Cultura de la Paz y
Fortalecimiento del Órgano Electoral
Plurinacional (OEP) de Bolivia

Bolivia - flag

El proyecto “Cultura de la Paz y Fortalecimiento del Órgano Electoral Plurinacional (OEP) de Bolivia”, ejecutado por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), tiene por objetivo principal el apoyar al Órgano Electoral Plurinacional (OEP) en la organización y ejecución de los procesos electorales programados para 2020 y 2021.

El Proyecto, concebido hacia finales de 2019, formó parte de la respuesta y oferta diseñada por la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) para restablecer los valores y prácticas democráticas en Bolivia, después de la anulación de las elecciones generales de aquel año y el ciclo de conflictos socio-políticos ocurridos alrededor de ese episodio.

Documentales y filmes cortos

Documentary – 2020 General Election (EN)

Documental – Elecciones Generales Bolivia 2020 (ES)

TED Chuquisaca and UNDP organized a meeting with political organizations to socialize the regulatory framework for propaganda and electoral campaign.
TED Cochabamba has been training candidates for the position of electoral facilitators. 110 of them will be selected and will work in the training of notaries and electoral juries.
On January 24, within the framework of Activity No. 43 of the electoral calendar, all 9 TEDs published the lists of candidates enabled to participate in the upcoming elections. Complete lists are available on the OEP web portal
TED Pando organized a meeting with indigenous people from the department. There, electoral officials explained about the legal framework through which representatives will be elected to the Departmental Legislative Assembly
TED Beni promoted the signing of a commitment for the development of “Peaceful and Violent-Free Elections”, among the political forces in the race.
The UNDP facilitated an inter-institutional coordination meeting between TED Santa Cruz and representatives of 3 levels of government. Staff from the government, the mayor's office and the forces of order attended.
TED Oruro in coordination with UNDP held a workshop on biosafety measures with a special indigenous circumscription in Oruro.
TED Beni staff, UNDP members, delegates from political organizations and journalists participated in the virtual multisectoral dialogue "Creation of the Biometric Voter Register: One Citizen, One Record, One Vote."
Beni, Pando and Chuquisaca TEDs, with the collaboration of UNDP, began with training sessions for electoral consultants, coordinators, facilitators and trainers for the upcoming subnational elections.
Candidates for the municipalities and governorates of Potosí and Chuquisaca, representing their respective political organizations and alliances, signed the "Agreement for a Safe Electoral Campaign," promoted by the TSE.
UNDP actively promotes the signing of the "Agreement for a Safe Electoral Campaign", proposed by the TSE. As of 8 February, 47 political organizations, in 6 departments, signed the document.
The electoral ballots for 6 departments - Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, Chuquisaca, Tarija, Pando and Beni - will be printed in the city of Sucre. UNDP accompanied the printing tests.
On 5 February, all 9 TEDs held the draw of the electoral juries. 208,554 citizens were designated as such. UNDP witnessed the process in all departments. .
TED Potosí and UNDP, alongside other civil institutions, organized two debates with the candidates for governor and mayor of Potosí. Both events were broadcasted on radio and television, and were attended by the majority of the contestants.
UNDP is a participant in the consolidation of intercultural democracy in Bolivia. This week, the project accompanied TEDs of Chuquisaca and Santa Cruz in the acts of appointment of the Guaraní, Guarayo and Ayoreo indigenous assembly members, through their own norms and procedures.
UNDP advises and participates in the training processes for electoral notaries in all 9 departments
TED Pando and UNDP promoted the organization and holding of the first debate in history between candidates for the first council of the municipality of Cobija. The event was broadcasted on radio, television and digital media, and was attended by all the candidates.
UNDP also played an important part in holding debates in Chuquisaca and Oruro, between candidates for mayor of those cities.
UNDP participated in the training of electoral juries in Santa Cruz. During the last weeks, the team accompanied the TED presidency in the monitoring the work carried out in different provinces of the department.
UNDP continues to support the organization of forums and debates throughout the country. Two weeks before the elections, events were organized in Pando, Beni, Chuquisaca, Cochabamba, Oruro and Tarija, with candidates for governors, departmental assembly members, regional executives and mayors
UNDP and TED Oruro organized a series of sessions with the indigenous people from Uru Chippaya, Salinas, Jakisa, Sura and Jacchakarangas, to disseminate the voting procedure and biosafety measures for 7 March.
UNDP and TED Potosí organized the virtual dialogue table "Biosafety Measures and Voting Procedures" especially aimed at people with hearing disabilities. During the event, the attendees highlighted the fact that their vulnerability is accentuated because their disability is not evident in plain sight.
UNDP and TED Santa Cruz visited the municipalities where voting amphoras were burned. During their stay, they held meetings with the locals to explain the importance of repeating the voting procedures and promoted the signing of the “Agreement for a Peaceful and Safe Repeat of the Voting Day"
UNDP will continue to support the TEDs of La Paz, Chuquisaca, Tarija and Pando as they work towards the second round of voting among candidates for governor, agreed for April 11.
TED Tarija and UNDP organized a meeting with the two political organizations that will compete in the second round of voting, on 11 April. The objective of the meeting was to report on the development of the electoral process, address various issues and concerns of the parties, and present a proposal for a Code of Conduct for their signature.
UNDP accompanied TED Santa Cruz in the repetition of the vote in the last 4 polling stations, in Colpa Bélgica. UNDP was also present at the Closing Act of the Departmental Count.
In Chuquisaca, 7 brigades set course to the rural area with the objective of notifying, training and organizing the electoral juries that reside in those areas. Vocales from the TED lead these brigades to ensure the widest possible participation.
UNDP accompanied the delivery of credentials to the elected authorities in Beni, Oruro and Santa Cruz.
UNDP is undertaking the production of an audiovisual piece on the Bolivian electoral cycle 2019-2021. In that context, people in Sucre were interviewed on aspects related to democracy and interculturality.
TED Tarija, with the support of UNDP, organized the workshop "Election of Governors in Second Round" for the media, with the aim of providing them with important information regarding the 11 April electoral process.
TED Beni, Potosí and Santa Cruz have started the open courses for people aspiring to become electoral notaries.
On December 16, UNDP and TED Potosí inaugurated the exhibition “40 POSTALES, UNA HISTORIA” in the emblematic Casa de la Modena. The exhibition includes a series of unpublished photographs about the 2020 General Elections.
All nine Departmental Electoral Tribunals began with the Massive Biometric Registration of citizens, in view to the Subnational Elections that will take place in March 2021.
TED Beni and UNDP organized the event "Milestone Dates on the Electoral Calendar - Regulatory and Procedural Framework for the Subnational Elections 2021", aimed at political organizations of the department.
On December 14, UNDP and TED Cochabamba organized a discussion on the the electoral calendar and the normative bases for the Subnational Elections, aimed at delegates from political organizations.
On January 7, all TEDs defined, through public draws, the spaces in which political organizations will appear on the ballot papers, for the Subnational Elections on March 7.
TED Chuquisaca and the UNDP shared a Working Breakfast with owners, directors and journalists from different media outlets in the department, to discuss the Electoral Campaign and Propaganda Regulations
Departmental SERECIs published the lists of citizens disqualified from voting in the upcoming elections. Most of them were disqualified for not having cast their vote in the last two elections. TEDs received complaints in this regard until January 15.
TED Santa Cruz, with the support of the UNDP, organized virtual events to share the regulations of Propaganda and Electoral Campaign, and of Preparation and Dissemination of Opinion Studies, among the media and delegates of the political organizations.
TED Oruro granted legal status to the indigenous organizations "Consejo Ayllus Pusisuyu Frontera Marka Sabaya" and "Siete ayllus de Challapata", enabling their participation in the 2021 Subnational Elections.
TED Oruro presented the audiovisual material it produced with UNDP funding.
These videos show voting procedures with biosecurity measures, motivating citizens to exercise their democratic rights.

COVID-19 updates

The spread of COVID-19 on the continent, and the planned measures to contain the virus have both constitutional and technical implications for the timing and administration of the elections in Somalia in an exceptionally complex environment. The NIEC has issued work-from-home orders to its staff. The Government has closed the country’s airspace both internally and externally. While most of Integrated Electoral Support Group’s (IESG) staff are working from home, including national staff, IESG continues to communicate internally and to provide daily technical support to NIEC staff across the broad spectrum of electoral activities, using the communications tools such as WebEx, Zoom and Microsoft teams.

The project is currently focused on the following:
• support to NIEC meetings with Joint Parliamentary Ad Hoc Committee on the Electoral Law; support NIEC to prepare its operational plan to present to the Parliament before end of May (according to the Electoral Law);
• review of NIEC Corporate Governance Framework in order to institutionalise Corporate Governance in the operations of the NIEC;

• support to NIEC to conduct public outreach activities through use of media including new media in its programming to support electoral process;
• continuation of support for construction of new NIEC compound and infrastructure;
• support to NESTF on preparing its workplan, conducting security assessment of the provisional voter registration sites in the Federal Member States (FMS) and in the Banadir Region, which will drive the preparations of the security operations budget;
• procurement of equipment and furniture for NIEC compound and NESTF operations.

Support to infrastructural development through building the Data Centre at the new NIEC compound is currently ongoing as is construction work by United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM)/ United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) on improving the security infrastructure at the compound. If the numbers affected by the pandemic increase in the country, it is likely that construction work will be halted.

Cifras clave del proyecto


El proyecto está presente en los 9 departamentos de Bolivia


Were invested in procurement of electoral material


Total budget handled by the Project


Electoral dialogues are held a month 

2021 Subnational election's key figures

7 March 2021

Day of the elections

11 March 2021

Second round of the elections





La Paz




Santa Cruz



Registered voters











2020 General elections’ key figures


registered voters 

*nueva fecha determinada para las Elecciones Generales 2020


votos emitidos

0 %

de participación 


recintos electorales

18 October 2020: election's day


Luis Martinez-Betanzos, Asesor Electoral Principal

Salvador Romero, presidente del Tribunal Supremo Electoral de Bolivia

Luciana Mermet, Representante Residente del PNUD Bolivia

Susana Sottoli, Coordinadora Residente de ONU Bolivia

Nataly Vargas, presidenta del Tribunal Electoral Departamental de Tarija

Jörg Schreiber, Encargado de Negocios de la Unión Europea en Bolivia

Donde trabajamos

ec undp bolivia where we are

Qué hacemos

Las áreas en las que el Proyecto trabaja son:

  • Provisión de asistencia técnica y consejo experto al OEP.
  • Creación de espacios de dialogo con actores clave, para reducir la posibilidad de violencia electoral.
  • Difusión de los derechos políticos de las mujeres y acompañamiento al ejercicio pleno de los mismos.
  • Adquisición de equipamiento electoral crítico, en reemplazo de aquel obsoleto, dañado o destruido.